Thursday, 9 October 2008

Garden Apples

Note: Although the theme of this has changed (I've decided to concentrate on travel and avoid long blurbs on my loose, unproductive thoughts) fruit will still be the sort of subject or, even just the title.

So...hint: I picked an apple from the back garden today and that's it, no more of Garden Apples!

Anywho, what about Canada? It's definitely a trip I'd take in the future. It seems like a more cultured and balanced America. With incredible mountains and National Parks. This appeals, purely for the skiing and ridiculous views.

Vancouver strikes me as the place I'd fly to first. I suppose it's the immense backdrop of the mountain range set against the ocean, complete with a city set in the middle! Described as "the Great Outdoor Playground", can I still really get away with just hanging-out in a foreign clime?

I'll try, when the price is right!

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